georg philipp telemann
Albums scraped2021-12-15T10:45:04.372Z
Last updated2022-02-12T07:32:24.154Z
Released at
64Johann Sebastian Bach - Bach, J.S.: Oboe D'Amore Concertos, Bwv 1053, 1055 / Telemann: Oboe D'Amore Concertos, Twv 51:G3, 51:A21956-06-00
74Johann Sebastian Bach - Chamber Music - Abel, C.F. / Quantz, J.J. / Benda, F. / Telemann, G.P. / Benda, G. / Kirnberger, J.P. / Muthel, J.G. (Amor Ist Mein Lied)1961
16Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Grand Concertos, Vol. 11962
57Franz Joseph Haydn - Birth of the String Quartet, Vol. 21962
68Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Overtures / Violin Concerto in B Flat Major / Concerto for Recorder and Flute in E Minor1962
96Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: String Quintet in E Minor / Partie in G Minor / String Sextet in G Minor / Partie Polonaise in B Flat Major1962
49Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann, G.P.: Chamber Music (Parnassi Musici)1965
6Georg Philipp Telemann - Chamber Music (Baroque) - Corelli, A. / Telemann, G.P.1966
5Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Complete Tafelmusik1967
7Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: 6 Orchestral Suites1967
9Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Overtures1967
13Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Paris Quartets1967
25Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Overture Burlesque, Vol. 21967
26Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann, G.P.: Essercizii Musici - Solos and Nos. 7-121967
27Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Les plaisirs de la table1967
36Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Trio Sonatas with Recorder1967
37Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Ouvertures à 81967
38Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Ouvertures pittoresques1967
39Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Orchestral Suites1967
40Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: 12 Fantasias for Flute, TWV 40:2-131967
41Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Complete Ouvertures, Vol. 21967
46Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Quatuors Parisiens, Vols. 2-31967
47Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann, G.P.: Les tresors caches1967
48Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann, G.P.: Tutti flauti!1967
52Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Musique De Table Parts I, Ii and Iii (Selections)1967
56Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann, G.P.: Essercizii Musici - Solos and Nos. 1-61967
59Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann, G.P.: 12 Fantasies for Solo Violin1967
60Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Admiralty Music & Trumpet Conncerto1967
62Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Essercizii Musici1967
63Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Virtuoso1967
70Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Works for Flute and Viola Da Gamba1967
71Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Scherzi Melodichi1967
75Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Fugues, Overtures, Preludes and Suites, TWV31-321967
77Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Triosonatas for oboe and recorder1967
82Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann, G.P.: Pastorelle En Musique [Opera]1967
88Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: The Virtuoso Godfather1967
33Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: 6 Sonates Corellisantes / 12 Canons Melodieux, Ou 6 Sonates En Duo (Excerpts)1973
8Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Trio Sonatas1975-02-00
10Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Complete Double Concertos With Recorder1975-02-00
11Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Quatuors Parisiens, Vol. 11975-02-00
15Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Double Concerti for Winds and Strings1975-02-00
18Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Solo Works - Fantasias - Sonata1975-02-00
24Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Concertos & Suites1975-02-00
34Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Keyboard Fantasias1975-02-00
65Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Complete Concertos and Trio Sonatas with Viola da Gamba1975-02-00
76Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Complete Violin Concertos, Vol. 31975-02-00
85Pro Musica Consort - Telemann: Concertos For Recorder, Flute & Bassoon1977
28Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Machet die Tore weit1979
44Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Klingende Geographie1979
53Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann, G.P.: Fantasies1979
12Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Oboe Concertos1980
19Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Chamber Concertos1980
31Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Triple Concertos1980
43Antonio Vivaldi - Baroque Trumpet Concertos1981
50Georg Philipp Telemann - A Duo1986
87Johann Nepomuk Hummel - Trumpet and Horn Recital: Guttler, Ludwig - Telemann, G.P. / Fasch, J.F. / Rollig, J.G. / Torelli, G. / Neruda, J.B.G. / Hummel, J.N.1987
29Rebel - Telemann: Double Concerti for Winds and Strings1989
73Jordi Savall - Le Concert Spirituel au temps de Louis XV1991
32Johann Sebastian Bach - Florilegium Performs Bach & Telemann1993
35Maya Homburger - G.P.H. Telemann: XII Fantasie Per Il Violino Senza Basso 17351993
67Georg Philipp Telemann - Hoffmeister / Stamitz / Telemann: Violia Concertos1994
89Georg Philipp Telemann - Virtuose Trompetenmusik Des Barock Vol. II (Virtuose Baroque Trumpet Music Vol. II)1994
93Georg Philipp Telemann - Vivaldi, A.: Le Quattro Stagioni / Telemann, G.P.: Don Quixote1994
97Camerata Romana & Eugen Duvier - Telemann: Overture Suite for 2 Flutes, Strings & Continuo "Tafelmusik 1"1994
42François Leleux - Telemann: Douze Fantaisies pour Hautbois1995
58Andrew Manze - Telemann: 12 Fantasias for Violin Solo, Gulliver Suite for Two Violins1995
98Florilegium - G. Ph. Telemann: Concerti da Camera1995
1Astor Piazzolla - Marcello, A.: Oboe Concerto in D Minor / Telemann, G.P.: Oboe Concerto in F Minor / Handel, G.F.: Oboe Concerto No. 31996
21Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Orchestral Works, Vol. 11997
94Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Domestic Music, Vol. 31997
100Various Artists - Telemann: Concerti per strumenti vari1997
2Various Artists - Two Violins and One Guitar, Vol. 21999
45Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann Flute Duets1999
83Rebel - Telemann alla polacca1999
90Various Artists - Music@Menlo '03 The Age of Grandeur: Couperin: Concert Royal - Telemann: Gulliver Suite - Vivaldi: Concerto - Marais: Le Tableau - Bach: Brandenburg Concerti1999
22Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: 12 Fantasias for Violin Solo - Gulliver Suite for Two Violins2001
30Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann, G.P.: Wind Concertos, Vol. 4 - Twv 51:A2, 51:D2, 51:E1, 52:A2, 53:B12001
79Georg Philipp Telemann - Viola Da Gamba Recital: Ruso, Rebeka - Dowland, J. / Corkine, W. / Hume, T. / Hotman, N. / Bocquet, C. / Abel, C. / Telemann, G.P.2001
14Gilles Mercier, Teodor Coman, Académie de la Chapelle Royale de Dreux, Henri Wojtkowiak - Neruda: Concerto pour Trompette - Telemann: Concerto pour Alto - Tchaikovsky: Sérénade pour Cordes2002
54Rachel Podger - Telemann: Twelve Fantasies for Solo Violin2002
61Grupo de musica barroca La Folia/Pedro Bonet - Los viales de Gulliver (y otras visiones extremas del Barroco)2004
81Florilegium - Telemann: Paris Quartets2006
99Lorenzo Brondetta, Ruth Unger - Telemann : Sonates à deux flûtes2006
3Georg Philipp Telemann - Tafelmusik2008-05-30
4Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: Tafelmusik2008-05-30
23Georg Philipp Telemann - G. PH. Telemann: Tafelmusik2008-05-30
17Georg Philipp Telemann - Telemann: La Bizarre, Suites pour Orchestre2008
51Georg Philipp Telemann - Oboe Concertos by J.S. Bach, Telemann & C.P.E. Bach2008
55Ensemble Caprice / Matthias Maute - TELEMANN The Baroque Gypsies2008
78Florilegium - G. PH. Telemann: Tafelmusik2008
84Florilegium - Paris Quartets Vol.32008
66Various Artists - Telemann: Les Plaisirs - Chamber Concertos2010
92Holland Baroque Society, Miloš Valent - Telemann: Barbaric Beauty 18th Century Dance Transcriptions2011
69Johann Friedrich Fasch - Trumpet Recital: Friedrich, Reinhold - Endler, J.S. / Telemann, G.P. / Fasch, J.F. (Baroque Trumpet Concertos)2013
72Johann Friedrich Fasch - Baroque Flute Concertos - Frederick Ii (King Of Prussia) / Telemann, G.P. / Fasch, J.F.2013
86Johann Friedrich Fasch - Concertos - Quantz, J.J. / Zelenka, J.D. / Heinichen, J.D. / Telemann, G.P. / Fasch, J.F.2013
95Laurel Zucker - Twelve Fantasies for Flute2013
80Girolamo Alessandro Frescobaldi - Telemann / Fontana / Castello: Recorder Chamber Music2014
91La Fontegara - Telemann & C.P.E. Bach: Godfather - Music for Flute, Harpsichord and Continuo2018
20Fabio Biondi - Georg Philipp Telemann: Triosonatas for recorder, violin and b.c.2021-10-15